Poetry Fiend
RULES:This site is a collaberative poetry project that is continuesly in flux, I added a poem to this website and want people to freely edit this website, and to do so endlessly. Feel free to do whatever to this site, anything goes except please dont add any NSFW content (images, and videos), although NSFW dialogue is totally allowed. I will delete any content I deem inapropriate and will check this site daily. Also, please dont delete the rules. The login information is written at the bottom of this paragraph. Once you edited this page click the the globe icon on the top right corner and then press publish. Have fun poetry nerds.
URL TO LOGIN TO WEBSITE: https://cargo.site/
EMAIL: Fiendpoetry@gmail.com
PASSWORD: Poetry4free
Meaning is meaningless
And meaningless is heavy so deep
The heavy insanity of life comes at me when im least expecting it
And when i am expecting it it never comes, yet it comes does it though?
Like a point from idealogical ideation idk wtf that means lol
Its sharpness stabs my insides and removes my thought of fleeing from the endless circulations
Swimming in sand
Barely able to breathe
deep bro so deep
i cried today then i shit my pants
and then cried because i had shit in my pants
its your fault you did this!
when you cry I laugh
when I cry you still cry
and so it is and so it will be
my pants do stink
washing a way some pain takes time
im sorry but the guy who wrote about the shit in the pants is really taking me for a whirlwind
insanity in the mind and screen
where will my thoughts be if not online?
Where will people hear me (read me?) if not on here
do I exist outside the blue glow on the keys?
Do I exist if I die right now and this goes on?
God, I want to be remembered
I never thought I’d get this far
Blow gently on glowing embers
A tranquilizer from the heart
if i do exist
then where
if i do exist
then why
if i do exist
my existance must be coming
to an abrupt halt
because i can not feel it
not anymore